Official Newsletter for the
Heart O' Texas Amateur Radio Club
Waco, Texas


Volume XXVI, Number 10                   October 2001


October “Homebrew” Night!   
by Ed Middlebrook, KC5NT

It’s October and that means it’s time for HOTARC’s annual Hombrew Night! This annual event is looked upon with great anticipation as our members give a “show and tell” on what’s been “brewing” in their shacks. Come on out and bring along your projects. They don’t have to be complete and they don’t even have to work! We’ll have fun just hearing and seeing what everyone has been building.


NOTE: Meeting Place Change

No, the Club didn’t vote to leave TSTC after all (see the September Meeting Minutes), but if you’ve attended the past few meetings, you’ve noted that we were starting to outgrow the facilities at the TSTC Telecommunications Building. So, Norris and Rusty put their heads together and came up with another site on the TSTC campus that should give us a bit more elbowroom: The Kultgen Automotive Center. It’s actually a lot easier to locate than our previous meeting location.


Directions to the Kultgen Automotive Center at TSTC: Take exit 342A off of Interstate 35. Turn east on Crest Drive. Turn right at the red light, the main entrance to TSTC. Continue down Campus Drive for two blocks to the 4-way stop. The Kultgen Automotive Center will be over your left shoulder. Turn left into the big parking lot, and come around to the front doors.


Special Events by Ed Middlebrook, KC5NT and John Chamberlain, AC5CV

Our thanks go out to the contributors to HOTARC’s support of the WWWC bike ride: Larry Carlson KC5JWD, Terry Williams KD5KJU, Ross Mormino KD5BGI, Ed Hynan KC5KNI, Justin Martin KC5KQL, Rusty Keyes KC5DSM, Elaine Ault KC5WQE, Carol Parnell KD5LMN, Alma Lang AB5BA, Jim Lang K5VRJ, Rodney Baden K5YKC, Cheryl Tharp KC5UKV, Lynn Tharp KB5TDZ, Mike Ross N5MVL, Ed Middlebrook KC5NT, John Chamberlain AC5CV, David Bush KC5UOZ, Horace Bushnell W5TAH, and John Gafford N5XAK. I hope that I didn't miss anyone! It was a big event and a long day, but what better way to spend a beautiful Saturday than using the greatest hobby in the world to help others, heh?

The weather was “perfect” which made for faster times for the lead riders (approx. 25 minutes faster). The newcomers (Terry, Ross, Larry) did a fantastic job! The race officials really learned the advantages of radio vs. cell phones. Their SAG vehicles were difficult to contact due to busy signals, out of range, dead batteries, or having to call everyone just to see where they all were located. Our SAG vehicles and rest-stop stations responded immediately if they could offer assistance or move to another area quickly. This caused the officials to highly consider placing amateur radio in ALL SAG vehicles next year. Can we rise to the occasion, folks?

Thanks to Jim’s excellent planning, Ed enjoyed being net control for the exciting first half, and John basked in the pleasant afternoon as things slowly wound down…until almost 5:30 pm when the last 100-miler coasted past the finish line! Again, kudos to all of you who contributed! Let’s do it again next year!

President’s Corner

The heat of Summer has passed and once again our attention has turned to the traditional pursuits of Fall: Ham Radio and football…if there’s time left for football. Now that we don’t have to mow the lawn, edge, and trim every week, we have time for the finer things in life.


Mark Your Calendars!

HOTARC Christmas Lunch is scheduled for noon on Saturday December 8 at Ryan’s Steak House

We had an interesting month with the Waco Wild West Century bike ride, the ARES team wrangling tornados, and two club members as the focus of a TV news feature.


Our thanks to all who participated in the bike ride. Jim Lovett did a fine job of organizing our participation. It certainly seemed to run smoothly. And you folks were certainly flexible about moving around where the help was needed. Thanks also to all the Hams who came in from out-of-town to help. You certainly helped make the area wide event a success.


Our local ARES team also performed admirably last week. In the midst of multiple waves of storms, heavy rain, straight-line winds, and tornadoes, they kept up communications and coordination. Linda and Ed Hynan—we salute you! The way the ARES team works together is quite professional. I hope their example will inspire others. This is such an exciting way to serve our community.


Two of our club members were featured in a TV news spot feature on Amateur Radio. J.W.Roach and Ed Middlebrook, your message came across well. What you showed the public about Amateur Radio was educational and inspirational. I hope our members got to watch also.


Well folks, its time for the finer things in life—Homebrew Night. Yep, it is finally here, the most exciting meeting of the year. I can hardly wait to see what you are going to drag out of the shack to share with us. Some will be solid state, some will be hollow state, and some will be in a chaotic state. The one I’m bringing is—UGLY!!  So don’t be bashful, bring one of your creations out into the light.


See you all Thursday!


Rusty Keyes, KC5DSM
HOTARC President


For the Record...

HOTARC Meeting of Members

September 27, 2001


Club President Rusty Keyes KC5DSM called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm, with 17 full members, 2 associates, 1 family member, and 2 visitors in attendance. Visitors recognized: Mark Plough KD5DWE, and Larry Melby KA5TXL (our guest speaker).

The Minutes of the August meeting as published in the HOTLINE were approved by a motion from Larry Carlson KC5JWD, second from Rodney Baden K5YKC, and a unanimous vote. The Treasurer’s Report was likewise approved by a motion from Ed Hynan KC5KNI, second from Norris Martin KB5SLI, and a unanimous vote.

·        Repeater Committee: No change in status (of 145.15 repeater on Channel 25 tower).

·        Webmaster Justin Martin KC5KQL reported about 200 hits per month. He is working on a redesign of our web page. Stay tuned!

·        HOTARC Meeting Location: A draft proposed agreement between the American Red Cross and HOTARC was published in the HOTLINE. Following extensive discussion regarding minor changes in wording, John Chamberlain AC5CV made a motion to “untable” the previous motion to move the meeting location to the Red Cross facilities, seconded by Horace Bushnell W5TAH. The motion failed to pass vote by the members (4 in favor, 13 against). Hence, the issue of the proposed agreement became moot.

·        Special Events: Jim Lovett AC5HV reported that the Symphony 6000 event was supported by the efforts of 17 HOTARC hams (Thank you!), noting that a few ways were noted to improve communications that can be applied next year. Jim then discussed the upcoming Waco Wild West Century bike ride on September 29, distributing maps and t-shirts to those who had volunteered for this big event. Also coming November 3, Woodway’s Woodfest, where there may be a need for ham radios to help coordinate the remote parking. Stay tuned!

·        Nominating Committee: AC5CV, K5YKC, and AC5HV agreed to serve to identify candidates to serve as 2002 HOTARC officers.

·        Magnetic Signs: At the request of the President, AC5CV had researched the possibilities of a Club project to purchase magnetic signs for use in special events, weather spotting, emergency drills, and such. Following a report of prices and sizes by John, everyone agreed that they were just too expensive to be practical. Also there arose a question of possible liability to HOTARC as a consequence of a vehicle labeled with the HOTARC information.


·        For Sale: Ed Middlebrook KC5NT announced that Eileen Douglass KD5LDO had several pieces of ham equipment for sale. Also, Henry Howe WA0DLF announced that he would be moving to the DFW area and so, had a whole ham shack for sale (with house attached!).

·        Annual Meeting: Note that the Club’s Annual meeting this year will occur in November (due to five Thursday’s in November this year)—the Thursday after Thanksgiving, according to our bylaws. KB5SLI agreed to handle the arrangements for our annual Christmas dinner for HOTARC members and their families. Stay tuned!

President KC5DSM heard a motion by KB5SLI to adjourn the meeting.

Visitor Larry Melby KA5TXL, our ARRL Section Manager for North Texas brought greetings from ARRL to HOTARC. Among other interesting items of discussion, he brought news of a new policy: for each ham who joins ARRL through the Club, the Club can receive a $15 rebate! (See details at --Editor.)

Submitted by

John Chamberlain, AC5CV

HOTARC Secretary


Your 2002 Nominating Committee may be calling you soon…we not only want you, but we need you—to be willing to serve your Club!

Please consider how you can give just a little time each month back to your fellow members. We’re not expecting sterling candidates who can almost walk on water…just honest, sincere hams who want the best for the Club and are willing to commit to serving a term of office.




The Treasurer Reports...


Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club

Treasurer’s Report, xxx 2001


Beginning Balance                                                                     $


       TOTAL Income                           UNAVAILABLE



       TOTAL Expenses                                          

Ending Balance                                                                          $


Submitted by

Henry Howe, WA0DLF

HOTARC Treasurer



Late Breaking News   from ARRL Letter Online


The ARRL is Requesting Your Help…

Have you ever been denied the ability to put up an antenna, or to operate a radio transmitter, or had any other restriction on your Amateur Radio activities because you live in a housing development or condominium complex governed by private land use regulations? (These are often referred to by lawyers and real estate professionals as CC&Rs.) As a result of requests from members, the ARRL Board of Directors, at its July meeting, adopted a goal of trying for legislative action that helps overcome the unreasonable restrictions of CC&Rs that prohibit or restrict Amateur Radio antennas. We need your help! Click here for the full story.


FCC Stops Accepting Envelopes

The FCC announced that, effective October 22, 2001, hand or messenger-delivered filings enclosed in envelopes will not be accepted at FCC Headquarters until further notice. The Commission is encouraging everyone to file electronically or via fax whenever possible. Click here for the full story.


Battle Looms Over Part 15 Access to 425-435 MHz

The FCC has proposed changes to its Part 15 rules governing unlicensed devices that would allow operation of advanced RF identification devices between 425 and 435 MHz. By going along with a request made earlier this year by SAVI Technology Inc and fiercely opposed by ARRL, the FCC has set the stage for another battle between amateur and commercial interests. Click here for the full story.

Psychoanalyze Your Neurotic Touch Lamps

Do your touch lamps flicker weirdly whenever you fire up that HF rig? How about those of your neighbors? To preserve peace at home and in the neighborhood, Boots Boyce, KA3BIS, and Jim Young, WD8RUW, found a way to stop the craziness. Click here to check it out.


Converting to CORES/FRN for ULS registrants

Before the switchover to mandatory Commission Registration System (CORES) registration on December 3, 2001, (see “FCC Registration Number Becomes Mandatory in December“) the FCC plans to do a “mass conversion” from its Universal Licensing System database. “Anyone who has a TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number--typically an individual’s Social Security Number) registered with us and a valid license will get a FRN (FCC Registration Number), and it will show in our license database,” an FCC Wireless Telecommunications Bureau spokesperson told ARRL. Amateur Service licensees who are not already registered in the ULS are encouraged to register their TINs soon, so they can save the step of a second CORES registration after December 3. To register, visit the FCC’s Universal Licensing System Web site and click on “Register TIN/Call Sign.” For more information on CORES/FRN, visit the FCC CORES Web site.

Avoid Mobile Flambée

A proper mobile installation should include adequate fusing. Before installing mobile power wiring, you should first make sure the wire will handle the required current. A check in the Component Data chapter of The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs should provide a good guide. Adequate and well-placed fuses are necessary to prevent fire hazards. Automobile fires can be both dangerous and costly! Click here for the full story.


The HOTLINE is the monthly newsletter of the Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club (HOTARC), Inc., a nonprofit corporation, chartered by the State of Texas and principally located in Waco. It is permissible to use any of the original material contained herein, provided proper credit is given to the source.

Edited and Published by John Chamberlain AC5CV,

HOTARC 2001 Board of Directors

President: Rusty Keyes KC5DSM, 662-1461,

Vice President: Ed Middlebrook KC5NT, 826-4053,

Secretary: John Chamberlain AC5CV, 751-9024,

Treasurer: Henry Howe WA0DLF, 412-0866,

Past-President: Norris Martin KB5SLI, 829-2138,

Director (2001): Marshall Mabry KD5IQ, 772-1037,

Director (2002): Ed Hynan KC5KNI, 666-4873,

Director (2003): Mike Ross N5MVL, 836-1083,

Club Repeaters

145.15 MHz (input at -600 kHz, tone 123 Hz)

146.88 MHz (input at -600 kHz)

146.98 MHz (input at -600 kHz, tone 123 Hz)

VE Testing

10 am on the third Saturday each month at Baylor’s Rogers Engineering Bldg, Room 107. (We had to cancel the October 20 session, but hope to be back on schedule November 17.) The Testing fee is $10. Bring 1) current license and photocopy, 2) photo ID (2 photo IDs for first-time licensees), and 3) photocopy of any relevant CSCE. Contact: Linda Hynan, AC5QQ at 666-4873.

Meeting Notice

This month’s meeting of HOTARC will be at 7:30 pm on Thursday October 25, 2001 in the Kultgen Automotive Center of the TSTC Waco Campus. Meetings generally last about 90 minutes consisting of fellowship, general Club business, and an interesting program. Visitors, families, and prospective hams are welcomed!