Bike Ride
HOTARC provides radio communications in support of this annual event sponsored by the Waco Bicycle Club that involves several hundred participants and volunteers. This past year's WWWC was Saturday, September 17, 2011 at Indian Springs Park in downtown Waco, starting at 8:00 am. This day-long event accommodates riders of many abilities with courses of varied lengths: 10 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, 65 miles, and 100 miles—all of which are supported by rest stops, SAG vehicles, and, of course, radio communications. There were several changes in this year's courses that kept us on our toes!
This event requires many volunteers in the pace cars and at the many rest stops around the course. Amateur radio operators at the rest stops permit relaying of timely progress information as well as break-downs and injuries, need for supplies, and so forth. APRS trackers sending GPS-derived location data back to the trailer allows us to see the current location of significant vehicles, such as the various pace cars and SAG vehicles.
Although this event is well "planned," there are still plenty of surprises for us every year, and it is an excellent training opportunity for a real disaster that would require radio communications from remote locations—all reporting vital information back to and coordinating with a Net Control.

Click image for Google map showing all courses and rest stops.
or Click here for hand-drawn map of all courses

10-mile map |

25-mile map |

50-mile map Course details |

65-mile map |

100-mile map Course details |
Collage of hi-res maps for printing/viewing (pdf): 1-page 4-pages 9-pages
NOTE: These require very large paper sizes to print!
Assignments for WWWC-2011