Meeting Notice
HOTARC will hold its monthly Meeting of Members at 7:00 PM on Thursday January 23,
2024 in person at 921 Lake Air Dr. and via the Video Conferencing. Please check your email
or the Members Only section of the website for login information.
Official Newsletter for the
Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club
Waco, Texas
Hello fellow HOTARC members!
I hope this message finds you well and your 2025 is off to a good start. I’ve been a member
of HOTARC since 2008 when I first got my license. One of our past presidents Rodney
Baden visited my job around that time and I showed him where the hospital’s 2m radio was.
We got to talking about radio and I commented that I’d been interested and even tried to
learn Morse in preparation to take the test in the past and he let me know the code
requirement had recently been dropped and invited me to a HOTARC class the following
Saturday. From there I began studying for my Tech license and John Chamberlain, another
former member, mentioned that if I was comfortable with Tech I should study for General as
well and try to take both tests the same day. I did that and became KE5UBO around the
summer of 2008. I’ve since, at long last, learned to be a CW operator. I’ll say that my goals
now are to become a GOOD CW operator! HF tends to be my preferred flavor of amateur
radio so that’s where I’ll be generally found when I have time to play radio.
This year we’re hoping to bring back some interesting programs to the meetings and further
the streamlining of the “business” section that has been started previously. I’ll personally try
to work up a few interesting programs and I know a few others have ideas as well.
Looking forward to seeing all of you at an upcoming meeting.
Drew Dickenson
HOTARC President
HOTARC Meeting of Members
Special Meeting HOTARC Meeting of
January 16, 2025
President Aaron Gustafson KI5PCQ called the
meeting to order at 7:00PM in person and in the
ZOOM Meeting Room. Mike Davis NA5X gave
the invocation.
President Aaron Gustafson KI5PCQ led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
New Business:
Proposed Bylaw Change to allow for online
2025 Director is needed. Jeb Leutwyler
KG5WHS moved to nominate Jim Jud KA5QKL
for the position, Paul Collins KG5DHS seconded.
The motion carried unanimously
Jeb Leutwyler KG5WHS moved that all nominees
for Officers and Directors be accepted. The list is
President: Drew Dickenson KE5UBO; VP: Dave
McClure N3DMC; Treasurer: Bill Feltenberger
KD5UEW; Secretary: Mike Davis NA5X. Jim Jud
KA5QKL seconded. The motion carried
Meeting Adjourned 7:07PM
Submitted by
Mike Davis NA5X
HOTARC Secretary
The Treasurer’s Report
December 31, 2024
Starting Balance December 1, 2024 11,193.92$
DEC 6 Dues Cash 65.00$
DEC 6 WWW100 2,
DEC 19 Dues Paypal 240.00$
DEC 27 Dues Paypal 30.00$
Total received 2,835.00$
Total Income 2,835.00$
DEC 19 Paypal Expense 8.72$
DEC 27 Paypal Expense 1.09$
Total Expenses 9.81$
Ending Balance 14,019.11$
CD 8,000.00$
Ending Balance 6,019.11$
Mike Ross New Ham Radio Fund 180.94$
Flower Fund Total
Submitted by
Bill Feltenberger
Heart o' Texas Amateur Radio Club
Treasurers Report:
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2024
McLennan County
by Paul Collins KG5DHS
McLennan County Emergency Coordinator
New Year and new ARES roster. I just finished the NET
Control assignments for 2025 and they should be posted
shortly. We have had good participation in 2024 and look
forward to even more this year!
Are you a member of HOTARC? Awesome!! Are you a
member of ARES? You should be!! I will bring blank
applications to the club meeting!
What about SKYWARN? Here is the latest information:
McLennan County
Wednesday, February 19 11:00 AM
Letterwinners Lounge, McLane Stadium, Baylor University
1001 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Waco, TX, 76704, USA
As always, the ARES team is ready to deploy if needed. Thanks to everyone who is part of the team!
If you are interested in becoming a member of McLennan County ARES, go to the HOTARC Web site
under the frequently asked questions and download the application.
E-mail or mail the completed application according to the instructions listed at the bottom of the
application. Your application will be processed and you will receive an ARES ID Card As always, the
ARES team is ready to deploy if needed. Thanks to everyone who is part of the team!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.
The HOTLINE is the monthly newsletter of the Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club (HOTARC), Inc., a nonprofit corporation, chartered by the State of
Texas and principally located in Waco. It is permissible to use any of the original material contained herein provided proper credit is given to the source.
Edited and Published by Mike Davis NA5X,
HOTARC 2023 Board of Directors
Vice Pres: Dave McClure, N3DMC
Secretary: Mike Davis, NA5X
Treasurer: Bill Feltenberger, KD5UEW
Past-Pres.: Aaron Gustafson, KI5PCQ
Director (2025): Jason Fedlam, KQ5UX
Director (2026): Jeb Leutwyler, KG5WHS
Director (2027): Jim Jud, KA5QKL
145.15 MHz (input at 600 kHz, tone 123 Hz)
146.98 MHz (input at 600 kHz, D-Star)
VE Testing
Contact HOTARC at if you would like information on our next testing session.