Meeting Notice
HOTARC will hold its monthly Meeting of Members at 7:00 PM on Thursday May 23, 2024 in
person at 921 Lake Air Dr. and via the Video Conferencing. Please check your email or the
Members Only section of the website for login information.
Official Newsletter for the
Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club
Waco, Texas
MAY 2024
Dear HOTARC Members,
Due to the expected severe weather tonight, we are canceling our monthly
meeting. Tonight's agenda was to work on the trailer, so we will reschedule
this task for next Thursday, weather permitting. Please note, there will be NO
in-person meeting of HOTARC tonight.
Looking ahead, please mark your calendars for the following important events
this year:
May: Field Day Prep
June: ARRL Field Day, June 22nd to 23rd
July: Ice Cream Social
August: WW100 Prep Day
September: WW100 Sunday, September 8th
October: HomeBrew Night and Potluck
December: Traditional Christmas Get Together at Golden Corral
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!
Best regards,
Aaron Gustafson, KI5PCQ
HOTARC Meeting of Members
April 23, 2024
A business meeting was not held as quorum was not
The Treasurer’s Report
April 30, 2024
Starting Balance April 1, 2024 11,660.40$
Cash for dues 26 Apr 15.00$
Total received 15.00$
Total Income 15.00$
Trailer Registration 61.25$
Total Expenses 61.25$
Ending Balance 11,614.15$
CD 7,000.00$
Ending Balance 4,614.15$
Mike Ross New Ham Radio Fund 180.94$
Flower Fund Total
Submitted by
Bill Feltenberger
Heart o' Texas Amateur Radio Club
Treasurers Report:
McLennan County A.R.E.S.
by Paul Collins KG5DHS
McLennan County Emergency Coordinator
NOAA will issue it's outlook for 2024 Atlantic
Hurricane Season virtually.
during a news conference on Thursday, May
at the National Press Club in Washington
DC and virtually.
Colorado State University has already made
their predictions.
CSU is forecasting 23 named storms, 11
hurricanes, and 3 major hurricanes and would
place the 2024 season as the third most active
hurricane season on record, behind 2005's 28
storms and 2020's 30.
In McLennan County, we have experienced 3
Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and numerous
Flash Flood Warnings. Out here in Speegleville,
we have had over 12 inches of rain in the last
month. We have also had at least one confirmed
tornado in the China Springs area. Be weather
aware as we roll into the Hurricane Season on
June 1
As always the ARES team is ready to deploy if
needed. Thanks to everyone who is part of the team!
If you are interested in becoming a member of
McLennan County
ARES, go to the
HOTARC Web site
under the frequently
asked questions and
download the
E-mail or mail the
completed application
according to the
instructions listed at the
bottom of the application. Your application will be
processed and you will receive an ARES ID Card
As always, the ARES team is ready to deploy if
needed. Thanks to everyone who is part of the
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the meeting.
Texas RACES District 11 News
by Mike Davis NA5X
Texas RACES DRO-11
TDEM is holding its Texas Emergency Management Conference in Ft. Worth.
General Attendee Registration is now open on The Conference 2024 Website!
Join us at the Fort Worth Convention Center from May 28-31, 2024!
The Conference attracts over 3,500 elected officials, first responders, emergency managers, and decision
makers from across Texas. The Conference provides an unparalleled opportunity for access to latest
technology, exchange of ideas, and research in the field of emergency management.
If you wish to join Texas RACES, the applications can be found at There are two separate forms. Please fill out and return to me:
The HOTLINE is the monthly newsletter of the Heart O’ Texas Amateur Radio Club (HOTARC), Inc., a nonprofit corporation, chartered by the State of Texas
and principally located in Waco. It is permissible to use any of the original material contained herein provided proper credit is given to the source.
Edited and Published by Mike Davis NA5X,
HOTARC 2023 Board of Directors
President: Aaron Gustafson, KI5PCQ
Vice Pres: Drew Dickenson, KE5UBO
Secretary: Mike Davis, NA5X
Treasurer: Bill Feltenberger, KD5UEW
Past-Pres.: Seth Boren, KI5QEH
Director (2025): Jason Fedlam, KQ5UX
Director (2024): Barbara Leutwyler,
Director (2026): Kevin Mullens, K5KTM
Club Repeaters
145.15 MHz (input at 600 kHz, tone 123 Hz)
146.98 MHz (input at 600 kHz, D-Star)
442.875 MHz (input at +5.0 MHz, tone 123 Hz)
VE Testing
Contact HOTARC at if you would like information on our next testing session.