WATS Happenings Official Newsletter
of the
Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2001 |
Meeting Notice |
Y’all probably already read my article in the June HOTLINE about the great Field Day of 2001, so I won’t bore you with a repeat. But I do have some more photos to share with you. These are taken by David KC5UOZ with his digital camera and also captured from his videotape.—John AC5CV
I would like to thank all for their participation in the Field Day 2001 activities. Again this year the KC5UOZ Mobile ATV Station was installed in the HOTARC trailer along with the Cam Eye on top of the trailer. Justin Martin KC5KQL set up his station in the back of his pickup to receive and transmit ATV back to the trailer. And a 19-inch TV was connected under the pavilion to display ATV and Cam-Eye images from the trailer. Using my new P.C. Electronics TC70-20 (20 watts) and a yagi antenna up about 40 feet we were able to bring up the Repeater located atop the Hill Crest Medical Tower. I received P3.5 signal reports—not the best, but we were definitely ably to see and be seen from four different home ATV stations: N5XAK, KD5IQ, W5NCD, and KC5UOZ.
This year I did some videotaping of the HOTARC trailer, the Hewitt Park pavilion, and some interviews of the participants at the HOTARC/WATS Field Day exercise. It is my hope to put together a video that would tell the reason we have Field Day, and what it means to be a Ham at Field Day. This is something we’ve not done before. We could have this tape to show—maybe on ATV or to others with an interest in the hobby. So, if any of you have video or photos and some ideas about this please let me know, and we can put together something fun and useful.
Also, W5NCD Larry Bush ran SSTV at the Field day site again this year and had a couple of good HF QSOs. All in all, Field Day 2001 was fun!
Mark your calendars: Thursday 7-19-01 we will have a WATS meeting at the CORD building, as usual. The Directors will meet at 7:00 PM; Members at 7:30 PM. Be sure to come—and bring a friend! W5NCD will have a program to show his new AO-40 Satellite SSTV system—don’t miss it! This will be a very good program.
73 de KC5UOZ
David L Bush
WATS President
Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS)
Minutes of the Board Meeting
21 June 2001
Meeting of the Board was held at the offices of CORD, 601 Lake Air Drive, in Waco at 7:00 PM, President David Bush, presiding. Others attending were: John Chamberlain, John Gafford, Norris Martin, Directors, and Horace Bushnell, Secretary/Treasurer. Justin Martin, the WATS Web Master, also attended.
Minutes of the April meeting were approved upon motion by Bushnell and seconded by Gafford.
The April Financial Report was approved upon motion by Chamberlain and second by Gafford.
The May Financial report was approved upon motion by Chamberlain and second by Martin.
Petition for membership submitted by James Harris, III was approved upon motion by Bushnell and second by Gafford. Petition for membership submitted by Jimmie Boyd was approved upon motion by Chamberlain and second by Gafford.
Bushnell requested and moved that he be reimbursed in the amount of $6.80 for stamps for mailing the May issue of WATS Happenings. Motion was seconded by Chamberlain and approved by the Board.
The Treasurer asked what disposition should be made of the $79.00 which had been given to the club, earmarked for the statutory fee required to be submitted to IRS with Application for tax-free status, but not submitted when the club decided not to apply for tax-free status. Chamberlain moved to remove the earmark. Gafford seconded the motion and the motion was approved.
Norris Martin informed the Board that the WATS Domain Name (wacoatv.org) would be coming up for renewal before long.
Bushnell reminded the Board of the previous decision to send Dave Boehner a “thank you” for having us at his home during the month of May. The Board decided it would be most appropriate to send Dave a card of thanks, along with a gift certificate redeemable at Olive Garden. This will be handled by John Chamberlain.
It was decided that Field Day plans would be discussed with the attending members, during their meeting to follow the Board meeting.
There being no other business, meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.
Horace Bushnell
Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS)
Minutes of the Meeting of Members
21 June 2001
The Meeting of Members was held at the offices of CORD, 601 Lake Air Drive, in Waco at 7:30 PM, President David Bush, presiding. Others attending were: John Chamberlain, John Gafford, Norris Martin, Horace Bushnell, Justin Martin (WATS Web Master, as a visitor), Larry Bush, and Michael Ross. A new visitor, Ray “Ross” Mormino (KD5BGI) arrived late and was introduced to all.
President David Bush informed those in attendance that we have two new members, James Harris, III and Jimmie Boyd, neither of whom were in attendance. We are happy to have these two nice persons become members of our organization and welcome them to our future meetings.
The subject of our Domain Name wacoatv.org was discussed with the membership, along with the loss of web page space. Hereafter, instead of using www.wacoatv.org to bring up our web page, we will have to use www.qsl.net/kc5oyn. Larry Bush moved that we not renew the present domain name. Motion was seconded by John Gafford. Motion carried. (A notice was received the next day, from Network Solutions, informing the Secretary that the domain name was about to expire.)
Field Day operations was discussed with no motions or concrete plans. We will be operating along with HOTARC, using the HOTARC trailer.
John Chamberlain moved that WATS begin collecting excess ATV equipment, for the purpose of furnishing “loaners” to members who are in need of equipment, on a temporary basis, to get on the air. Motion was seconded by Horace Bushnell. A vote was not called on the motion.
John Gafford offered a TC70-1b one watt ATV transceiver to the proposed equipment pool and offered to sell his Mirage amplifier to anyone wishing to purchase it for 80% of what he gave for it.
President Bush offered storage space for WATS equipment at the Bush warehouse at Speegleville. No action was taken on this offer.
President Bush asked for volunteers to serve on the Technical Committee. Those who volunteered are: Larry Bush, Chairman, with John Chamberlain, John Gafford, Horace Bushnell and David Bush.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Horace Bushnell
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Financial Report
June 2001
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WATS Happenings is the official newsletter of the Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS), Inc., a non-profit organization, chartered by the State of Texas with registered offices at 3804 N 21A Street, Waco, TX. Use of information contained herein is permissible, provided credit is given to the source. Edited and published by John Chamberlain, AC5CV.
2001 WATS Officers and Directors |
President: David Bush, KC5UOZ, KC5UOZ@bigfoot.com Secretary/Treasurer: Horace Bushnell, W5TAH, W5TAH@aol.com Director (thru 2003): John Chamberlain, AC5CV, AC5CV@arrl.net Director (thru 2002): John Gafford, N5XAK, jgafford@clearsource.net Director (thru 2001): Norris Martin, KB5SLI, nmartin@tstc.edu |