WATS HappeningsOfficial
Newsletter of the
Meeting Notice |
Agenda for WATS Meetings Directors’ Meeting 1.
Approval of
the 2.
Approval of
the 3.
Old Matters: 4.
New Matters Members’ Meeting 1.
Approval of
the 2.
Report as approved in Board Meeting 3.
Old Matters: 4.
New Matters 5.
Program |
Fellow ATVers:
'Tis the month of August, and it is HOT! Our meeting this month will revert to CORD as our faithful
Secretary/Treasurer is back in town.
We have a couple of items to discuss, so please plan to attend.
We still have a little work to do on the repeater. Horace (W5TAH) and I plan to remove
the transmitter, and do the required mod on a mic circuit off site. We also
plan to measure, and adjust if necessary, the sound subcarrier frequency, but
this will have to wait until I get a new frequency counter from
Optoelectronics. This little
operation, can, with a little pre-planning, be done on site. It has been
suggested that we do the mic work as the program for the August meeting, as
some members might appreciate seeing some of our hardware.
See you Thursday, August 15th.
Board at 7:00pm and members at 7:30 pm.
Your Pres,
John N5XAK
Waco Amateur Television Society
Minutes of the Board Meeting
Thursday, July 18, 2002
WATS Board of Directors met at Texas State Technical College at 7:05 PM. Those
present were:
John Gafford, President ·
Horace Bushnell, Director ·
Norris Martin, Director |
Bushnell acted as secretary in the absence of John Chamberlain, who was on a
cruise to Alaska.
Gafford asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes of the previous
meeting as published in the WATS newsletter. Horace Bushnell made the motion.
The motion was seconded by Norris Martin and approved unanimously.
Martin made a motion for approval of the Treasurer’s Report as published in the
WATS newsletter. Second to the motion was made by Bushnell and approval was
discussion was held regarding our participation in Field Day 2002 activities.
President Gafford presented the invoice he received from DuPuy Oxygen, in the
amount of $56.51 for reimbursement, previously approved.
to the June meeting of the Board, Bushnell polled the members of the Board by
e-mail to see if they were agreeable with his proposal to purchase a Intuitive
Circuits DTMF-8 Controller Board and to repair the ATV Repeater Controller. A
majority replied in the affirmative.
reported having purchased the Controller Board and having rebuilt the
Controller. It has been installed in the repeater with the help of John
Gafford. Bushnell presented the Invoice he received, in the amount of $119.00
and moved for reimbursement Motion for reimbursement was seconded by Norris
Martin and approval was unanimous.
being no other business to conduct, meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Acting as Secretary
Waco Amateur Television Society
Minutes of the Meeting of Members
Thursday, July 18, 2002
WATS Meeting of Members was held at Texas State Technical Institute. The
meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Present were:
John Gafford, President ·
David Bush ·
Horace Bushnell |
Norris Martin ·
Mike Ross ·
Justin Martin (visitor) |
Gafford reviewed Board actions for benefit of others in attendance.
Martin moved approval of Minutes of the previous meeting of members. Second was
by Mike Ross and motion was approved unanimously.
brief discussion was held concerning publishing of the WATS newsletter on the
web page. The discussion began with a statement, by Bushnell, that the whole
world does not need to know every detail of what takes place in WATS meetings.
The Minutes of our meetings should be confined to the WATS records books. Secondly, the fact that a document will
appear on the World Wide Web is enough to discourage an amateur writer from
making a presentation for publication. President Gafford suggested a solution
might be in sending WATS Happenings to members via e-mail, without putting it
on the web page at all. Bushnell
then suggested the Directors discuss this matter at a future Board meeting.
was adjourned at 7:45 PM for a very interesting demonstration by David Bush of
several different types of yagi antennas cut for ATV frequencies.
Financial Report August 2002 |
John Chamberlain,
WATS Happenings is the official newsletter of the Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS), Inc., a non-profit organization, chartered by the State of Texas with registered offices at 3804 N 21A Street, Waco, TX. Use of information contained herein is permissible, provided credit is given to the source. John Chamberlain, AC5CV, acting Editor/Publisher.
2002 WATS Officers and Directors |
President: John Gafford N5XAK, jgafford@clearsource.net Secretary/Treasurer: John Chamberlain AC5CV, AC5CV@arrl.net Director (thru 2004): Horace Bushnell W5TAH, W5TAH@aol.com Director (thru 2003): Norris Martin KB5SLI, nmartin@tstc.edu Director (thru 2002): Marshall Mabry KD5IQ, MabryM@aol.com |
Visit the WATS
web page! http://www.qsl.net/kc5oyn