WATS Happenings

Official Newsletter of the
Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS), Inc.

Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2001


President’s Column

Meeting Notice
CORD Offices (click for photo)
601 Lake Air Drive (click for map)
Waco, TX 76710

Thursday December 20, 2001
Directors 7:00 pm, Members 7:30 pm

Tuesday night after the ATV Round Table on 12-11-2001, AC5CV and I (KC5UOZ) started playing with NetMeeting. John wrote an email that tells of our experiments (see below). This made me think how great it would be to be able to have a guest join our ATV Round Table on Tuesday Nights for a few minutes, maybe someone from the Houston or Dallas ATV groups, or we could maybe even get Tom O'Hara W6ORG from PC Electronics or Gene Harlan WB9MMM Publisher of Amateur Television Quarterly to talk to us. Maybe someone from the HOTARC Club. The list could go on, but you get the idea.

KC5UOZ Well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! Hope to see everyone Thursday night December 20, 2001 for our last of this year's monthly WATS meetings. Looking over 2001, there has been much that the Club has accomplished such as replacing and repairing the Sky Cam, work on the ATV Mobile Van (which is a long term Project, but a real fun one), the monthly posting of our newsletter on the Internet for all to read, and the W5NCD 2-meter repeater up on a 400 ft tower-covering over a 60-mile radius. Thanks to all for your help and for giving me a chance to be President for the past year. It's time once again to appoint a Nominating Committee, who will help us identify new Officers and a Director. There will surely be some discussion, so please try to be at this month's meeting.

The Board of Directors will meet at 7:00 pm and the Members will meet at 7:30 pm. Hope to see you then.

73 de KC5UOZ
David L Bush
WATS President

From: John Chamberlain

Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:01 AM


Subject: Netmeeting



I enjoyed our experiments with Netmeeting last night—seeing and hearing you via video over the Internet, all the while monitoring the process via ATV. Again and again I find the ATV is invaluable as a computer tutorial aid! We can conduct technical computer training sessions using one's OWN HOME PC via ATV!! Maybe this is a hook we can use to get more folks receiving ATV!  I guess I am just going to have to find a scan converter instead of clumsily pointing the camera at the computer screen...


I learned a lot last night, too. I'd never before found anyone willing to work with me to GET IN (past my firewall) with Netmeeting. I'd often wanted to be able to do the Remote Access thing with my home computer from work, but never

had the luxury of having someone at home to help it along. Last night I was able to verify that now I should be able to make it work—although it requires lowering the firewall for the home PC. :-(  This essentially removes the protection from hackers for that PC, so I have to remember to bring the firewall back up again when done with Netmeeting. Oh, David, one other thing we never got to try last night: we can use Netmeeting to transfer files between our two connected PCs. It all happens at Internet speeds, of course, so is quite useful. We can try that next time we “netmeet” together.


As we mentioned last night, the value of this Netmeeting is not so much across town links, but for across the country/world links. I like one of your ideas, David: we could probably set up a video link with W5NCD when he's down at the coast. It won’t be P5, of course, but certainly worth the effort. We could see him, and he could see us—from across the state! 


John, AC5CV

Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS)
Minutes of the Board Meeting
15 November 2001

The Board of Directors met at the offices of the Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD), 601 Lake Air Drive, Waco, at 7:00 PM. Those present were as follows:

John Chamberlain moved the minutes of the October meeting of the Board be approved as shown in WATS Happenings, as it appeared on the WATS web page. The motion was seconded by John Gafford. Approved.

John Gafford moved approval of the Financial Report as it appeared in WATS Happenings, as it appeared on the WATS web page. The motion was seconded by John Chamberlain and the motion passed.

A discussion was held concerning petitions submitted for membership. There are two petitions that were approved by the Board several months ago. A short time after they were approved, the petitioners were sent letters welcoming them to WATS and advising them of the prorated amount of year 2001 dues they owe. Neither of the petitioners have responded, either by letter or in person. It was decided that a new petition will be used in the future, with wording to the effect that it is understood membership will not become valid until Board approval of the petition and dues have been received within thirty (30) days thereafter. The new petition will be submitted to the Board at the December meeting for review.

John Gafford reported keys for the Skycam control box and the ATV repeater cabinet have been obtained for each of the Control Operators (in this case, each Director). These keys are to be surrendered when the holder goes off the Board. John Chamberlain moved John Gafford be reimbursed for the keys, in the amount of $14.35. Motion seconded by Horace Bushnell. Approved. Check was issued.

John Gafford reported having received a letter from the Texas Frequency Coordinators, advising us that coordination of the ATV repeater frequency is due for renewal. Since the input frequency of the repeater is now different than the frequency shown on the coordination, we will discuss a course of action at a later date.

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 7:35PM.

Horace Bushnell, W5TAH

Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS)
Minutes of the Meeting of Members
15 November 2001

The Meeting of Members was held at the offices if the Center for Occupational Research and Development (CORD), 601 Lake Air Drive, Waco, at 7:30 PM. Those present were:

  • David Bush, President,
  • Horace Bushnell, Secretary
  • Larry Bush
  • John Chamberlain
  • John Gafford
  • Marshall Mabry

Motion was made by Horace Bushnell that the Minutes of the October meeting be approved as shown in WATS Happenings, as they appeared on the web page. Motion was seconded by John Chamberlain and motion carried.

The condition of the Skycam was discussed. There appears to be a problem with the zoom control. Larry Bush and John Gafford will go up in the near future to trouble shoot the problem.

John Chamberlain reported the video for the Bike Races has not yet been completed, but will be shortly.

A discussion was held concerning the Nominating Committee that will be appointed at the next Board meeting. Larry Bush suggested we put the WATS bylaws on the WATS web page for all to see and download as needed. The Secretary stated a copy would be sent to John Gafford by e-mail in order for him to send it to the web master in a web-compatible format.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM.

Horace Bushnell, W5TAH







(Photos by AC5CV)





Financial Report

30 November 2001

Bank Balance as of 31 October 2001

    Credits:   None

    Debits:    Check #365


Bank Balance as of 30 November 2001






Horace Bushnell, W5TAH



WATS Happenings is the official newsletter of the Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS), Inc., a non-profit organization, chartered by the State of Texas with registered offices at 3804 N 21A Street, Waco, TX.  Use of information contained herein is permissible, provided credit is given to the source. Edited and published by John Chamberlain, AC5CV.


2001 WATS Officers and Directors

President: David Bush, KC5UOZ, KC5UOZ@bigfoot.com

Secretary/Treasurer: Horace Bushnell, W5TAH, W5TAH@aol.com

Director (thru 2003): John Chamberlain, AC5CV, AC5CV@arrl.net

Director (thru 2002): John Gafford, N5XAK, jgafford@clearsource.net

Director (thru 2001): Norris Martin, KB5SLI, nmartin@tstc.edu