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Amateur Television

In 1995, a group of local amateur television enthusiasts formed the Waco Amateur Television Society (WATS). WATS projects included ATV repeaters on two amateur bands, a weather radar link, a SkyCam, and other various ATV projects and support of special events, as well as some interest in slow-scan television (SSTV).

In late 2002, the decision was made to dissolve WATS and donate its assets to HOTARC (most of the WATS members were also HOTARC members). Since then, HOTARC has fully supported ATV and SSTV activities in Central Texas by maintaining the repeater, SkyCam, and ATV functionality in its emergency trailer.

At present, the HOTARC ATV equipment is used almost nightly SSTV roundtable activities, and also during special events to relay live images from remote locales of the event. Check out the links below for the details of how and when to get involved!

For current activities or questions about ATV or SSTV in our Club, contact the ATV Commitee Chairman,

Contact us:  email address