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HOTARC   •   P.O. Box 32   •   Waco, TX 76703-0032

The Heart O' Texas Amateur Radio Club (HOTARC) is a non-profit corporation chartered by the State of Texas and affiliated with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the North Texas Section (NTX), District 6 (colored brown on the map here). Membership is open to licensed amateur radio operators and others with an interest in amateur radio. We are primarily a service-oriented organization: providing storm-spotting for the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth, communications support for area special events, and educational programs for area schools and youth organizations, license classes, and so forth. You are welcome to contact any of the Officers or Directors (see below) or for further information. Or, ready to join our Club? See application below .

2023 Club Officers and Directors

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Drew Dickenson KE5UBO address as img

Vice President

Dave McClure N3DMC address as img


Bill Feltenberger KD5UEW address as img


Mike Davis NA5X address as img

Past President

Aaron Gustafson KI5PCQ address as img

Director (2026)

Jeb Leutwyler KG5WHS address as img

Director (2027)

Jim Jud KA5QKL address as img

Director (2025)

Jason Fedelem KQ5UX address as img

HOTARC's Board of Directors consists of the Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary), the Past President, and three Directors. All officers are elected to one-year terms by the general membership. Directors are elected to three-year terms, with one new Director elected every year. (See the expiration years for each Director above.)

Officers and Directors must be Full Members of HOTARC. All are elected by a simple majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting—the last meeting of the year. See our bylaws (links below) for more details.

HOTARC's Full Members hold a current amateur radio license from the FCC, have full voting rights in Club business, and can hold elected or appointed positions (Officer, Director, or Chair positions) in the Club. Associate Members, Family Members, and Lifetime Members are not permitted to vote or hold office, and need not hold a current amateur radio license. Family Members and Lifetime Members are exempt from annual dues. Members of all types are listed in the Club Directory, subscribed to the Club's email list, and encouraged to participate in Club events and activities.

Documents and Info

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Club By-Laws
  Official version (Amended 2020)
  Robert's Rules (Chapter 11) For new Officers and Members. We generally conform to Robert's Rules to conduct our meetings.

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Want to join us? Complete an application form, save it, print it, and send it to us!

  HOTARC Information Brochure

  HOTARC Membership Application (See our FAQ page for more info.)

  ARES application (See our FAQ page for more about ARES requirements.)

Time to renew your membership? (due every January)
  Membership Renewal Form:   html (print and mail)       pdf (submit via email)
  Make secure online payments to HOTARC using PayPal (for Dues, Flower funds, Education fees, etc.)
  HOTARC Member Roster (password req'd) — verify your info is up to date

Other info about us
  Monthly Meetings (location, maps, and usual meeting times)
  HOTARC FM Repeaters (repeater frequencies, how-to, guidelines)
  HOTARC D-Star Repeater (photos and details)
  Club Trailers (info and photos of our emergency communications trailers)
  FAQ (steps to join HOTARC, things we do, etc.)
  See also the archives of Club Events, HOTLINE, News, etc. (in the menu).

Other resources
  Area repeaters — listing of local FM repeaters in addition to HOTARC's
  Area nets — listing of local FM nets and HF nets in which you can participate
  Ham satellites — making contacts with satellites (some resources to get started)

Links to other web sites are included for the user's convenience
and do not constitute an endorsement of the materials, products, or services on those sites.

Webmaster: Drew Dickenson KE5UBO
Contact us:  email address