APRS Trackers For All!
In the Spring 2013, HOTARC Directors and Members agreed to apply a generous donation from the Waco Bicycle Club to finance a project to provide affordable APRS Trackers to Club Members. The project subsidized about half of the ~$220 cost of assembling a 5W APRS tracker based on a design by W5NCD that incorporates the Byonics TinyTrak into the battery case of an HT, as pictured here. While the trackers could be used by members for their own personal benefit, the Club reserved the right to "borrow" the subsidized trackers for Club functions and special events, such as the annual WWW100 event. Tips for new APRS trackersHere are a few tips for those new to APRS tracking. 1. GPS Signals. 2. General Radio Setup. The handheld transceiver should be set to transmit full power (~5W) on 144.39 MHz simplex for everyday APRS operation. Of course, you can also use the radio on other amateur frequencies (whether for APRS or otherwise), but to get into the APRS network, you must use 144.39 MHz. The TinyTrak chip needs a moderate volume level. Adjust the squelch to open when other nearby APRS signals are heard, but NOT remain open continuously. After adjusting, we recommended "locking" the keypad to avoid inadvertent changes. 3. Switch on the back. 4. Is it working? 5. Power considerations. The 5-watt tracker radios and other electronics are powered by the 12V cigarette lighter plug, and the radios we've selected for our trackers are generally configured to come ON as soon as power is supplied. Bear this in mind, if you leave the tracker plugged in continuously. Depending on your brand of auto, you may want to connect to power through a switched accessory source rather than the cigarette lighter. Also, the tracker will work best with a good 2-meter whip antenna, mounted high on the vehicle. And remember RF safety: while this modified rig is powered, the tracker transmits automatically and unpredictably. Other Ideas for using APRSIf you have an android smartphone with GPS and data capabilities, and are operating with good cellphone coverage, check out the app APRSdroid, available to hams (free to manually download and install, or $5 through the Play Store). You'll need an APRS-IS passcode, which you can get instantly here. Since these apps don't tie up the ham frequencies, you can send out frequent position reports with a clear conscience. ☺ There are iPhone apps, too, (e.g., OpenAPRS or iAPRS), or you can even use an old iPhone with your 2m radio as a "tiny-tracker," but I have no experience with those options. John AC5CV → Continue reading Page 2 for information about constructing the TinyTrak package. |
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