Field Day 2019
![]() Our annual Field Day this year fell on June 22 & 23, 2019. We set up operations in Hewitt Park. ![]() On Field Day ham radio operators across the country set up "emergency operations" and contact as many other stations as possible in a contest-like fashion. As has become our preferred method for this event, we began arriving at Hewitt Park around 10:00 AM Saturday to erect an "emergency operations center" with three radio stations capable of world-wide communications, without relying on commercial power. Following a nice lunch of chicken tenders provided by our local Bush's Chicken (THANK YOU, VERY MUCH!), at 1:00 PM, we began operating those stations continuously, for 24 hours—wrapping up operations at 1 PM on Sunday. Since this is also a national contest event, we documented all our contacts—using the N3FJP logging program—for submission to the ARRL and comparing our performance with other clubs and contestants. Much thanks to Clint AE5CA for setting up all the logging computers, connected to each other via a wi-fi network, enabling 1) a real-time analysis of our scoring from all three stations (two contest stations and one "Get-On-The-Air," or "GOTA" station), and 2) a live video feeds and 3) wireless PBX telephone connection to each station! Ain't technology great?! Clint's wifi system and computers were designed to support several large-screen monitors displaying an impressive array of information. But due to the strong summer winds blowing through central Texas this year (good for making the summer temperatures bearable, but challenging for public displays, banners, papers, antennas, large-screen monitors, and so on), he opted for just a couple essential displays: 1) the N3FJP logging display at the GOTA station and 2) real-time video from all the stations (see photo below). We welcomed several honored guests: Texas District 56 Representative "Doc" Anderson and his wife, Chief Tatum of Waco Fire Department, and Major Taylor and Wayne Branscum from Salvation Army. As Hewitt Park has grown in popularity, we had many local residents stop and inquire "What's going on here?" The GOTA station, giving visitors and new hams a chance to "Get On The Air," had exceptionally good success this year, making as many contacts as each of our other stations. In addition, Clint AE5CA delivered a Radio Merit Badge class to seven Scouts, including two from the first BSA Girl Troop in Waco. Thanks to the opportunites to get on the air at this event, five earned their badge on the spot! |
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